Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Time to Tell the Truth About. . .Time

The New Mexico Society for Truth About Time (STAT) has completed its annual spring secession from New Mexico and attached itself to Arizona.

STAT performs this ritual every year.  It's a matter of principle.  Arizona does not lie about its time.  Arizona operates on the time dictated by Nature, by the  Sun, and by the atomic clock at Greenwich.

At 2:01 a.m. last Sunday, the clocks in Arizona said 2:01 a.m.  Elsewhere in this insane country people pushed the hour hand ahead one hour.  If you are not in Arizona, and a clock says it's, oh, noon, for example, it's not really noon.  But if you are in Arizona, and the clock says noon, you know it's OK to chow down.

STAT will thank Arizona for its ongoing integrity and reattach itself to New Mexico when this Daylight Saving Time idiocy ends next fall.

Why are we always saving daylight?  Does daylight go on life support every spring and need to be "saved?"  Did we squander all our daylight at some mysterious point in the past, so that now we have to start saving it in order to repay the debt? Why "save" time?  We're so far in debt we ought to be saving money, but no, we keep throwing good money after bad till our deficit is in the trillions, yet here we are saving daylight instead of dollars.  Go figure.

Speaking of debts, how can you arbitrarily take an hour away from me at some date in the springtime?  It wasn't yours to take!  It was mine; my precious hour of natural sun time, monitored by the atomic clock at Greenwich; you and the thieves in government  who went along with this DST scam had no business meddling with it.

You may or may not know what happened in Ankh-Morpork when they messed with the clocks, and if you don't know, go read "Thief of Time," or I'll save you the trouble by just telling you it sure wasn't good.  Sooner or later, mankind will pay the price for this daylight time nonsense, and it sure won't be good for earthlings, either.

Those of us who live in New Mexico and pay attention were fortunate to have the great writer Tony Hillerman reminding us of the dangers of being "A Thief of Time." It took the best efforts of both Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee, plus a good bit of luck, to resolve that crisis.  Lots of p eople wound up dead before Joe and Jimmy straightened things out.

Some may ask, "Who cares if a bunch of kooks secede from New Mexico over daylight savings time?  It's good for the farmers."

Well let me tell you, a farmer and rancher is the former chairman of our group. She even got herself elected to the state legislature so she could vote against daylight time, but the vast right-wing conspiracy outvoted her.

But daylight time saves energy, you might reply.

What?  I'm supposed to believe that your Hummer will burn less gas because you pushed the clock ahead an hour?  Your air conditioner will use less electrical energy because you're lying about what time it is?  Give it up already!

The facts are plain.  "Fast time," as some people call it, is nothing but a perversion of nature.

And you know what happens to perverts.

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